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This includes Western animated series such as The Loud House, Danger & Eggs, Mysticons, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Castlevania, Big Mouth, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Twelve Forever, Craig of the Creek, Harley Quinn, and Hazbin Hotel. The years of 2015 to 2019 saw the number of LGBTQ characters, building upon progress from 2010 to 2014, in animated series increase, changing the landscape when it came to representation. For the list of 2000s series, see Animated series with LGBT characters: 2000s. For the list of 2010s series, see Animated series with LGBT characters: 2010s. For the list of 2020s series, see Animated series with LGBT characters: 2020s. For the list of 1990 series, see Animated series with LGBT characters: 1990s. For the list of 1960s–1990s series, see List of animated series with LGBT characters.

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